Next-Generation Systems: Sony's Greatest Quotes!
「Sony's Greatest Quotes!」。過去になされた、ソニーエグゼクティブの、偉大なる発言の引用の集大成です。英語の得意な方は、上記のページでどうぞ。稚拙な訳でよければ、以下に翻訳を載せておきます。訳の間違い等ありましたら、コメントなどで教えて下さると助かります。
"Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"
- Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG's president of global digital business, responding to the outcry over Sony's DRM Rootkit spyware uncovered on its music CDs
〜Thomas Hesse、ソニーBMGグローバルデジタルビジネス社長
ソニー製 CCCD が搭載していたDRMルートキットに対する抗議に答えて。
"You can look at the software that they sell. All their licensed kid stuff. So, what we're doing with the PlayStation Portable is really establishing a new marketplace, and establishing, frankly, a new beachhead."
- Peter Dille, Sony US Senior Vice President of Marketing, on comparing PSP to DS
〜Peter Dille、ソニーUSマーケティング副社長 PSPとDSを比較して
“The idea of a handheld rivalry with Nintendo is an irrelevance. Those formats don't appear in our planning. It's not a fair comparison; not fair on them, I should stress. That sounds arrogant, maybe, but it's the truth. With the DS , it's fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen. But I fear that it won't have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick - so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that."
- Phil Harrison, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, on comparing PSP to DS in an interview with MCV
〜Phil Harrison ソニーワールドワイドスタジオ社長 MCVとのインタビューの中でPSPとDSを比較して
このPhil Harrisonって方の言説の逆の方向に全てが進んでいるというか。なんというか、一昔前のセガを思い出します。全てがセガの予定の逆に進んだ時代を。
"It’s probably too cheap…"
- Ken Kutaragi, Regarding the $499 to $599 price point
"(the PS3) is not a game machine…"
- Ken Kutaragi, Regarding the machine’s beefy hardware architecture
〜久多良木健 PS3について
"The name of the game is not market share, it’s how fast we (Sony) can grow the industry."
- Ken Kutaragi, regarding competition from Microsoft and Nintendo
〜久多良木健 マイクロソフトと任天堂との競争について
"…for consumers to think to themselves ‘I will work more hours to buy one’. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."
- Ken Kutaragi, explaining their marketing goals for the PS3
〜久多良木健 PS3の市場における目的を説明して
"We do not care."
- Kaz Hirai, current President of Computer Entertainment, regarding competition from Microsoft and Nintendo
〜平井一夫 現SCE社長 マクロソフトと任天堂との競争に関して
"I don't think the battle would be any different with or without Grand Theft Auto... I don't think it (losing Grand Theft Auto would) hurts us. No, I really don't."
- Jack Tretton, Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO
〜Jack Tretton,SCEアメリカ社長兼CEO
"If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it."
- Jack Tretton, Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO
〜Jack Tretton,SCEアメリカ社長兼CEO
"The first five million are going to buy it (PS3), whatever it is, even [if] it didn't have games."
- David Reeves, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO
〜David Reeves, SCE ヨーロッパ CEO
"Microsoft does not concern us. Microsoft is not a technology company."
- Nobuyuki Idei, Sony chief corporate adviser in an interview with BBC NEWS
〜出井伸之 元ソニー会長兼CEO BBCニュースとのインタビューの中で
"A bit pricey."
- Michael Ephraim, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, speaking about Nintendo Wii in an interview with the age.com.au
〜Michael Ephraim、SCEオーストラリア常務 age.com.auとのインタビューの中で、任天堂Wiiについて話した際に
"We have a lot of respect for Nintendo, but with a December launch, how much stock are they going to get at a AU$400 price point? What is the consumer offering? So I don't think anyone will do more units than a PS2 this (Christmas)."
- Michael Ephraim, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, regarding the launch of Nintendo Wii
〜Michael Ephraim、SCEオーストラリア常務 任天堂Wiiのロンチについて
"Sorry you didn't have the opportunity to buy a PS3 this year, but I'm sure it beats lining up in a queue for hours on end only to be told the store has sold out."
- Michael Ephraim, Managing Director of Sony Australia in an interview with the age.com.au
〜Michael Ephraim、SCEオーストラリア常務 age.com.auとのインタビューの中で
"There’s this sort of misunderstanding that the Blu-ray disc player for movies is somehow burdening the console with unnecessary cost. That is completely not true... Once we had that storage capacity on Blu-ray Disc, adding the movie playback functionality was extremely cost-effective, [the cost] is actually non-existent."
- Phil Harrison, regarding the wholesale cost of the system’s Blu-ray player
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長 ブルーレイディスクプレーヤーの卸売原価について
うまく訳せませんでしたが、最後の「コストは実際には無いも同然なのだ。」に ( ゚д゚)
"Nobody will ever use 100% of PS3's capability"
- Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment's Worldwide Studios speaking with MTV news.
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長 MTVニュースと話しながら
"The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."
- Phil Harrison, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, in an interview with GameSpot
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長 GameSpotとのインタビューの中で
Phil Harrisonって人は、本当に凄い人です。ひょっとして、SCEのPCは全部PS3に置き換わってたりするんでしょうか。
"I have no concerns about the competition."
- Phil Harrison, president of Sony Worldwide Studios speaking at the Game Developer Conference
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長 GCCでの講演で
"I don’t think we’re arrogant."
― Phil Harrison, regarding consumer perception of Sony
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長 ソニーへの消費者の認識に関して
"We're certainly not interested in Gimmicks."
- Kaz Hirai0 E32k6, right before showing off Eye of Judgement.
〜平井一夫 現SCE社長 PLAYSTATION(R)3専用ソフト『THE EYE OF JUDGMENT』を見せびらかす前に
"Nintendo knows its target audience, because it has really narrowed that down; and it’s pretty much defined by a boy or girl’s ability to admire Pokemon."
- Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment's Worldwide Studios
〜Phil Harrison SCEワールドワイドスタジオ社長
Phil Harrison氏、最高です。もっとも、DSの爆発前の発言かもしれませんし、Wiiがこれほどのヒット商品になるとは、一年前は誰も思ってませんでしたしね。
"Consider the US with its massive land and cheap people. Then you look at the UK - a little island where rent and rates are at an absolute premium, and the cost of people is a lot more."
- Sony's take on the consumers, as told by UK Managing Director Ray Maguire to website gamesindustry.biz
〜 gamesindustry.bizとのインタビューで
Why is the PlayStation 3 more expensive in the UK than it is in the rest of Europe?
と問われた際に、ソニーイギリス常務Ray Maguireが述べた消費者に関するソニーの見解。
「 殿 様 商 売 」